The Nuhanovic Foundation


The NCIC’s Reparations Database is a dynamic and accessible repository that encompasses a comprehensive array of legal instruments, reparation cases, reports, and scholarly contributions. Serving as a vital resource, it actively contributes to the evolving landscape of reparations law. This open-access platform is instrumental in representing and advancing the understanding of reparations, making it an invaluable tool for legal professionals, scholars, and those seeking to delve into the intricate facets of this evolving field.

European Court of Human Rights Country Profile on Turkey
The ECtHR’s 2018 press country profile on Turkey gives an overview of the most notable cases against...
UNHCR Report on the impact of the state of emergency on human rights in Turkey, including an update on the South-East
This is a report providing an overview of key human rights concerns in Turkey in the period between January...
When Do Terrorist Organisations Qualify As “Parties To An Armed Conflict” Under International Humanitarian Law?, by Rogier Bartels
International humanitarian law (IHL) imposes certain obligations upon, and asserts certain rights to,...
ECtHR Aydin and others vs Turkey
The case of Aydin and Others v. Turkey, decided by the ECtHR on the 12th of March, 2019, is...
2004 Law on the Compensation of Damages that Occurred due to Terror and the Fight against Terror No. 5233 Summary
The Turkish Law on the Compensation of Damages that Occurred due to Terror and the Fight against Terror,...
Media and Law Studies Association & International Press Institute - Justice Monitoring Report Freedom of Expression Trials in Turkey
Over the past few years, the number of imprisoned journalists in Turkey has increased drastically. Thus,...
Constitutional Court Rejects Application on Cizre Basements, by BIA News Desk
This article by BIA News Desk, an independent press agency based in Istanbul, provides a brief overview...
The Crime of Terrorism in Times of Armed Conflict as Interpreted by the Court of Appeal of England and Wales in R v. Mohammed Gul
This article studies a UK Court of Appeal decision, in which the judges had to interpret the definition...
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