The Nuhanovic Foundation

Legal AID

The Nuhanovic Foundation’s robust network of lawyers, legal experts and partner organisations across the world allows us to holistically support victims of international crimes and gross human rights abuses. We support civilian victims seeking recognition and reparation for harm inflicted on them during war. We provide victims with financial support, pre-trial investigative support, and access to legal representation and experts. We also conduct advocacy across platforms to champion the rights of victims and survivors.

If you are seeking legal support to access justice for international crimes, get in touch with us by filling out this form or reach out to us via email.


Victims of war and armed conflict (or their (legal) representatives) may apply for grants in order to obtain access to justice and realise the right to remedy and reparations. The Nuhanovic Foundation provides funding to cover the costs of:

(i) Investigating and identifying means of obtaining access to justice for the purpose of acquiring redress and reparation
(ii) Legal representation in negotiations and administrative, civil or criminal litigation

Litigation may take place before domestic, regional or international courts or tribunals, and The Nuhanovic Foundation priorities cases which have a link to The Netherlands (for example, the trial is taking place in Dutch courts, the accused resides in the Netherlands, the victim resides in The Netherlands, or investigations are being carried out by an organisation based in The Netherlands).

For cases outside the Netherlands, The Nuhanovic Foundation relies on its extensive network of partner organisations across the world and provides referral pathways for victims to access legal representation, advice, and monetary aid.

Please add an appendix with the following information:

  • Description of your organisation
  • Description of the case (if the summary does not suffice)

The appendix should explain the following topics:

  • Explanation of the objective of the organisation
  • Parties of the case
  • Alleged violation / legal question at issue
  • Expected course of the case
  • Current (legal) position of the client
  • Any procedures already conducted
  • Planned/expected work
  • Link to The Netherlands (for example, the trial is taking place in Dutch courts, the accused resides in The Netherlands, the victim resides in The Netherlands, investigations are being carried out by an organisation based in The Netherlands)

If available (and free to share (in confidence)), we request that you share relevant documents with us (such as a statement of liability, results of a fact-finding mission, procedural documents, etc.).

Knowledge & Advice:

Victims of international crimes are often faced with limited access to crucial resources to cope with the impact of the violations they have suffered. The Nuhanovic Foundation works to connect victims and survivors with basic needs and specialist support services to ease their process of healing and reparation, and our upcoming Access To Justice Toolkit is a testament to this.

The Access To Justice Toolkit aims to facilitate easier access to justice mechanisms for survivors and witnesses of international crimes in the Netherlands. Built on extensive feedback gathered through community outreach and trust building activities, the project intends to respond directly to the needs of affected communities in the Netherlands.

The Toolkit provides survivor communities with a platform to get informed about their rights and justice mechanisms and procedures available to them, in addition to creating a platform that facilitates pro bono (legal) assistance and provides referral pathways to crucial services such as psychosocial support.