The Nuhanovic Foundation

Reparations Database

Adalah report submitted to UN Independent Commission of Inquiry into the 2014 Gaza Conflict



Country Focus


This report assesses two key aspects of Israeli law and practice that would be relevant to the work of the UN Commission: (i) Israel’s investigatory mechanisms into the conduct of its military during armed conflicts and its progress with investigations into “Operation Protective Edge” and (ii) the availability of civil tort compensation remedies before Israeli courts available to Palestinian civilians, residents of Gaza, who were harmed by the Israeli military.

The report documents in considerable detail the interaction between representatives of Palestinian victims of alleged violations committed during the last two military interventions in Gaza (2009 and 2014) and Israel’s military and civil justice authorities. It takes into account the recommendations made by the Turkel Committee’s 2013 report into Israel’s investigative mechanisms (see elsewhere in this section). The authors argue that implementation of the Turkel recommendations would not suffice to bring Israeli practice in line with international legal standards but that, in any case, almost none them has been implemented. The document provides information about several actual cases that are otherwise difficult to access in English.